Monday, October 18, 2010

ViewLikeUs-All Screens are Not Created Equal

Have you ever wonder how your website looks on different platforms, like mobile phones and computer monitors of different sizes? Well ViewLikeUs has the solution. ViewLikeUs allows you to see your web page in different resolutions.  Type in your web address at the top right of the page and click "checkup". ViewLikeUs will then show your webpage in the main screen.

You can then toggle between the different tabs to see how your site appears in different resolutions.  My main PC has a 22 inch monitor. After redoing my Twitter background I discovered the background  didn't appear the same on a 15 inch monitor. So this could be a great tool for you  to use anytime your making changes to your web page or to see how your site appears on smaller devices.


  1. Thanks, is there any thing you don't know? Also, I think you owe me something... you were supposed to send me an invitation code or something like that. I've been out of the loop a little but a woman always remembers she is due something. ;-)

    I'm bookmarking the while I change my theme, just purchased something and don't know how to install it ... haha, and I did something else (that's a secret though).

    Send me my code!


  2. Hi Kissie I only wish I knew everything. I'll get the code to you this afternoon. :-)


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