Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Increase Productivity Part 2

Last week I explained how USPS really can save you time and money. This week I'm tackling the opposite end of the spectrum. What to do when receiving an order and your not at home. This is really important if you live in an apartment or maybe your neighborhood is a high traffic area. Leaving your precious valuables outside your door for a number of hours could be a huge risk, but I have 3 ways to tackle the issues. First anytime I ordered something that comes via UPS or Fedex and I know I can't be home I simply require a signature to receive the item. That way the delivery person will leave you a note and ask for the best time to reschedule the delivery, or you can go to the shipping facility and pick it up yourself.

Second for general mail delivery when you can't be home or your out of town simply go to the USPS website and fill out a Mail Hold Request. They will hold your mail anywhere from 3 to 30 days, make request up to 14 days in advanced, and your mail service will resume on the date you select.

Third I discovered a service called Kinek. The video below gives a great break down of the service and how it can save you time and provide peace of mind. I hope your found this series helpful and don't forget to join the Madden Corner on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Good info! I enjoy using the USPS site to schedule deliveries. Very convenient!

  2. Hey, just stopping by again. :-0

    Where is your CommentLuv? Don't you know it's worth it?


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