I'm sure everyone's favorite chore is stopping by the Post Office and waiting in line...not. I know this is the last way I want to spend my time, and with the holidays rush right around the corner here's a tip to remove one task from your list. If you haven't noticed the USPS has step into the 21st century.
Go to usps.com and set up a free account. Then you have the ability to print postage, create an address book, get free Priority mail supplies mailed to you, get lower prices for shipping online, and free Priority mail pickup right from your door. I use Priority mail all the time because the variety of shipping packages, and the flat rate pricing. To give my Priority mail a more professional look I purchased some adhesive labels from Label Universe.
For those times where a Priority mail box want work you can take it a step further and buy your own scale for less than $30. So no more waiting in line or excuses for why you didn't get that package shipped in time. Sending mail can now become a pleasant experience from the comfort of your home. Check back next Wednesday for tips on receiving packages when your away from home.