Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Search for MP3's with Google

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In this day and age we Google just about everything. What has made Google so popular is it's ability to index the internet and give you relevant search terms. Google also indexes college's and universities and other sites across the internet. Site's were people upload their songs, photos for easy access. Let's say you wanted to look up a Carrie Underwood, but to specifically keep the search to MP3's you would have to type this in the search bar (-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" "Last modified" mp3 "Carrie underwood).

Free Online File Sharing - Driveway.com

That's a lot of geek talk. GMP3 has taken this form and made into something you are use to.  A simple search box you can type the artist name or song in. Click on the song and see if it will automatically download as an MP3. If not then right click and select save file as MP3. Anytime you download something off the internet you should go to the file right click and hit the scan button to make sure that it is virus free. Another one you can give a try that does the same thing is at jimmyr.com Hope this helps and until next time peace.

1 comment:

  1. I reckon that if it wasn't for Google trying to find things on the net just wouldn't be as simple, and now that they have come out with their own browser, Google Chrome, I reckon surfing is just that little quicker as well.

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